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Buckeye Events
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CCCC Austin Events
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CCCC Dallas Events
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CCCC Houston Events
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CCCC San Antonio Events
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Central Arizona Events
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Cumberland Events
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Delaware Valley Events
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Detroit Events
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Dogwood Events
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Empire Events
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Sunshine Auto Club of Central Florida Events
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Flamingo Auto Group Gulf Coast Events
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Flamingo Auto Group South Events
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West Florida Flamingo Car Club Events
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Great Lakes of Ohio Events
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Hernando de Soto Midsouth Events
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Indiana Events
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Lake Michigan Events
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Michiana Dunes Events
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New Mexico Rainbow Roadrunner Events
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Nutmeg Events
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Puget Sound - Seattle Events
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SACK Events
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Show Me Events
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Straight Eights Events
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Tidewater Taillights Events
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Tri Valley Events
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Great Northern Events
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Vegas Heat Events
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Yankee Events
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Invitational Events
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Twister Alley Events
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Bluegrass of Kentucky
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Rainbow Classics of Utah
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HomeCentral Arizona 2023 Activites

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Some of our 2023 activities

4th of july pool party/burgers & brats - July 2023


Steve Williams and Steve Pavlica once again proved they are the “Hosts with the Mosts,” holding the Fourth of July Barbecue and Pool Party at their home in Ahwatukee. CAR members braved record heat to chow down on burgers and brats, accompanied by ample salads and desserts. Folks also braved literal 'hot feet' on pool deck to dunk happily in the pool. Many, many thanks to Steve & Steve for their wonderful hospitality!



BBQ and Movie night - June 2023

Folks gathered at Tom Sebasty’s shop Saturday evening, June 17, to enjoy sloppy joes and a screening of the Pixar movie Cars. It was a pleasant evening of good food, good company and a good movie. Many thanks to Tom for hosting!



Alan travis' early automotive collection 1885-1905 - may 2023

On May 6, the members of CAR were invited to a private tour of Alan Travis’ Early Automotive Collection. Twelve of us enjoyed an engrossing presentation by Mr Travis about the history of powered transportation and about the role the vehicles in his collection played in that history. The term “automotive” applies in its most general sense. The Travis collection includes bicycles, motorcycles, and other powered vehicles from as early as 1895.

Mr Travis himself is something of a vehicular polymath, combining skills in history, engineering, mechanics and piloting. He is hands-on in the work of restoring vehicles for his collection and he wants more than museum pieces. He wants his vehicles to be fully operable and he means to operate them himself. The vehicles we saw were all capable of being driven and Mr Travis drives them regularly, and not just around the block, but in cross-country events and rallies.  He has driven his 1913 Bugatti on the 70-mile Pebble Beach Tour. He has won the Great Race twice, once in a 1916 Mitchell and once in a 1910 Knox.

It is impossible to do justice to the beautifully restored historic vehicles in the collection in the space available here. In addition to the vehicles themselves, the collection includes thousands of pieces of original documentation about the vehicles in the collection and about early powered transportation. Plus, the vehicles are surrounded by memorabilia from the early days of motoring. The collection is a treasure but the greatest asset is Alan Travis himself, who is a warm and charming ambassador and a fascinating speaker.


caravan to rock springs - april 2023

On April 15, Saturday morning at 9:00 am, some 20 intrepid Lambdaites (or maybe it is Lambdaonians) departed City Sweeping for one of Tom Sebasty’s comprehensive geography and history tours of the southwest. An eclectic caravan of some 13 vehicles ranging from Robert McAfee’s 1954 DeSoto, John Hill’s 1969 Chevrolet, Rob Silver’s 1970 Torino convertible and an assortment of later domestic and foreign makes followed Tom in the lusty green Cougar.

Those who have been on such adventures before know that Tom will never take the shortest route to a destination. The caravan wound its way southwest through bustling Goodyear and via Highway 85 and Baseline Road to the pastoral splendor of lovely Buckeye. From there, a scenic drive around the west and northern slopes of the White Tank Mountains commenced, ending up in Surprise for a much-needed stretch and potty stop.  We were now 62 miles into the trip and still 50 miles from Rock Springs.  At this point the 1969 Chevrolet staged a terrible fit of pique and totally lost her cool until her feelings were assuaged by a cool drink and much attention.

Those looking for wildflowers were not disappointed. The floral season had peaked in the lower desert, but was still at max at higher elevations with areas of the roadside and desert fleetingly carpeted with lupine, brittle bush, Indian paint, daisies, poppies, and some cacti. 
The intrepid caravan then after a scenic cruise through numerous stoplights made its way to the Bob Stump Memorial Parkway and eventually to the New River Road which brought us in due time to Interstate 17 at New River and from there we proceeded north to our destination, the famous Rock Springs Café. 

Appetites were erased by a splendid lunch topped off with copious servings of the world class desserts the epicurean restaurant is known for. All agreed the end justified the 100 mile plus trip. As the sun entered declension in the west, participants scattered homeward to the Cardinal Points.

CAR 2023 Rock Springs a
CAR 2023 Rock Springs b
CAR 2023 Rock Springs c

chester's classic car show/melrose street fair - march 2023

CAR 2023 Melrose 3

The annual Chester’s Classic Car Show at the Melrose Street Fair was again a success. It was an enjoyable reunion of old friends from Fenders and Friends!  Everyone had a blast.

We even had two first place winners. Tom Sebasty took first place with his Model T for the 1900-1949 category and Kent Schweiss won first place for the 1970-1979 category. Congratulations to them both!

CAR 2023 Melrose 1
CAR 2023 Melrose 2
CAR 2023 Melrose 7
CAR 2023 Melrose 8
CAR 2023 Melrose 9
CAR 2023 Melrose 4
CAR 2023 Melrose 6
CAR 2023 Melrose 10
CAR 2023 Melrose 11
CAR 2023 Melrose 5

Auction Weekend - January 2023

January 26-29, 2023

Thursday - Welcome Reception - Aunt Chilada's
Friday - Brunch
Friday Evening - Taillight Glow
Saturday - Open all day to attend various auction events
Saturday Evening - Dessert on the Desert
Sunday - Burrito Brunch and Farewell

Every year about this time,  when Barrett-Jackson is in town, we host 
Auction Weekend -- a fun series of social events during the auctions for our members and guests to gather for a good time.

First off, we appreaciate everybody that helps make this weekend possible -- the planners, the hosts, the cleaner-uppers, and most of all, the guests who enjour our time together.

The entire weekend could not have gone any better than it did. We had 49 guests register and 55 at Dessert in the Desert at Tom’s shop. That is a record turnout for us. Everyone was happy. We has four new members join us -- something to celebrate and be proud of.

Another wonder year -- another success!

Welcome Reception - Aunt Chilada's

Taillight Glow – North Mountain Park

Dessert in the Dessert – Tom Sebasty’s

Burrito Brunch & Garage Tour – Roger & Roberto’s