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Buckeye Events
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CCCC Austin Events
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CCCC Dallas Events
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CCCC Houston Events
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CCCC San Antonio Events
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Central Arizona Events
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Cumberland Events
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Delaware Valley Events
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Detroit Events
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Dogwood Events
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Empire Events
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Sunshine Auto Club of Central Florida Events
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Flamingo Auto Group Gulf Coast Events
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Flamingo Auto Group South Events
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West Florida Flamingo Car Club Events
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Great Lakes of Ohio Events
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Hernando de Soto Midsouth Events
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Indiana Events
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Lake Michigan Events
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Michiana Dunes Events
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New Mexico Rainbow Roadrunner Events
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Nutmeg Events
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Puget Sound - Seattle Events
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SACK Events
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Show Me Events
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Straight Eights Events
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Tidewater Taillights Events
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Tri Valley Events
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Great Northern Events
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Vegas Heat Events
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Yankee Events
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Invitational Events
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Twister Alley Events
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Bluegrass of Kentucky
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Rainbow Classics of Utah
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HomeCentral Arizona 2021 Activites

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Some of our 2021 activities . . .

Holiday Party - DECember 2021

This year's holiday celebration was a WONDERFUL progressive dinner starting with tasty appetizers and brilliant conversation at Richard’s, and traveling to Roger and Roberto’s for delicious salads and beautiful ornament choices among the beauties in the very special Mopar garage. The next stop was John and Eric’s for wonderful chicken parmesan and noodles Romanoff with many nutcrackers watching over us and a final destination for dessert was Tom’s with delectable pies and cakes prepared by Gui. The White Elephant gift exchange at Tom’s had the usual unexpected surprises. Everyone had a great time and we all were delightfully sated.


Perhaps the most awesome statement about our members was their generosity. Based on a charity selected by our members, the club donated $2,125 to the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation to assist LGBTQ+ students -- $1,625 from members and $500 from the club treasury. What a meaningful way to help those who need it!


CAR 2021 Holiday Appetizer
CAR 2021 Holiday Salad
CAR 2021 Holiday Main
CAR 2021 Holiday Dessert

phoenix gay pride parade - November 2021

Phoenix Pride Parade

40th Anniversary

2021 a Success!


It was a great day for the 40th Anniversary Phoenix Pride Parade on Saturday, November 6! We were treated to a mild morning, with our club display of nine vehicles in procession up North 3rd Street in the 2021 Phoenix Pride Parade.

VARIETY was the operative adjective as we covered the bases with the oldest (Tom’s 1919 Ford Model T) to the newest (Daniel’s 2019 Kia Stinger), spanning a full 100 years! We rounded out the procession with a myriad of other vehicles including Lincoln, Fords, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC Truck, and Chrysler products! As an accurate representation of the vehicles owned by our members, we sent a message that our club is not exclusively ‘classics’, rather an enjoyment of all vehicles.

Thanks to all who participated and provided many fun pictures of us! Be on the lookout for more memory shots of the Parade!

CAR Pride 2021 L
CAR Pride 2021 R

Technical EVent - October 2021

Taking Your Car Out of Summer Storage

Jeordy and Howard hosted a successful Technical Event on Oct 9 where Jeordy led a discussion on how to prepare our cars for the cooler months.

We learned about which fluids to inspect and what to look for. This included looking at the underside of the 1940 Buick.

Members who attended joined in the discussion and had an enjoyable time.

Cars & coffee in the park - September 2021

If you were up and about on Saturday at 6 AM in late September, the sky was overcast and, depending on your part of the Valley, it was either sprinkling, raining or thinking about it -- not at all auspicious. However, by 8 AM, the rain had ceased and the day was lovely.

Our show at Los Olivos Park was a success, and you can see by the pictures, we had a good turnout with a variety of our beloved cars. Community members visiting the park also enjoyed our cars. Tom helped a boy honk the Model T’s horn; a couple of other boys were fascinated by Glenn’s station wagon – something pretty much unfamiliar to them, and still others were delighted by the Steves’ T-bird.

It was good to see everyone and we look forward to doing it again soon.