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CCCC Austin Events
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Central Arizona Events
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Dogwood Events
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Empire Events
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Sunshine Auto Club of Central Florida Events
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Flamingo Auto Group Gulf Coast Events
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Flamingo Auto Group South Events
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Michiana Dunes Events
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New Mexico Rainbow Roadrunner Events
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Puget Sound - Seattle Events
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SACK Events
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Show Me Events
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Straight Eights Events
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Tidewater Taillights Events
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Tri Valley Events
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Great Northern Events
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Vegas Heat Events
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Yankee Events
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Invitational Events
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Twister Alley Events
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Bluegrass of Kentucky
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Rainbow Classics of Utah
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HomeCentral Arizona 2019 Activities

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Some of our 2019 activities . . .

Route 66 Fun Run - MAY 2019

Kingman 2019 1
We met Friday, May 3, to answer the siren call of Kingman, AZ, and the 32nd Annual Route 66 Fun Run! We took our time going up -- the weather was great and check-in at the hotel was not until mid-afternoon.

Upon arrival, everyone freshened up for dinner at DAMBAR, where we meet up with the rest of our group. The food was good, the service good, show cars were scattered throughout the parking lot, early arrivals. Then back to our various hotels to sleep and anticipate.

Judges met to assign the categories, 61 judged by us and the remaining 5 judged by the Fun Run Association. Each judge had 5-6 categories, selecting from the list by going around the room. Lots of walking ahead. Some then went to Chloride, a small historic town nearby, some went junk-yarding, but everyone met for Mexican just before noon. Cars were arriving several at a time -- at last count we heard over 845 cars were there, filling the town.

Judging started at 3:00 and off we went after getting our clipboards and dots. Beforehand, we had walked around to see what might be worthy.  Two probable winners selected within 15 minutes, a '55 Ford Country Sedan wagon in red and white for Best Station wagon and a '56 Ford Fairlane convertible in peach and white for Best Tri-five Ford {'55, '56, ‘57}. Best Ford '58 and newer went to a ‘79 Ranchero and Best Tri-5 Chevy went to a '56 210 2-dr modified. Cars were supposed to remain parked for the entire judging period, but many cruised around making it hard to find the PERFECT car for each award -- happens every year!

Once judging was done, everyone relaxed. Pizza was served at a local park around 7:00, where we went over the day with suggestions, comments and observations. All were tired and sunburned, but glad to have been there.

We left Sunday around 9:00 to take a leisurely drive on Route 66, stopping in Seligman for ice cream. We ended up getting on I-17 for the final leg home. Everyone has a great time!

Kingman 2019 2
Kingman 2019 3
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Auction Weekend - January 2019

January 17-20, 2019

Thursday - Welcome Reception - Gourmet Pizza
Friday Brunch - on your own
Friday Evening - Taillight Glow
Saturday - Open all day to attend various auction events
Saturday Evening - Dessert on the Desert
Sunday - Brunch and Farewell

What a magnificent turnout we had for Auction Weekend 2019! Members from as far away as Texas, Ohio, Minnesota, and even Georgia dropped in to spend the long weekend.

The event kicked off Thursday evening with our customary artisan pizza welcome reception on the patio at Pomelo. The enthusiastic turnout, combined with such an intimate setting, allowed for an evening of jovial conversation and strategizing about how to see what, where, and when at all the auctions.

Before turning everyone loose at the auctions, Dawn and the gang at 5th Avenue Cafe got our day started right with bellies full of good homestyle cooking. From there it was off to one, or several, of the auctions to admire, covet, shamelessly lust after, and possibly even compromise one's morals and good reputation. The things we'll do over boys and toys.

New this year was a Friday evening Taillight Glow. Following the auction events, members convened in the parking lot of Faith Lutheran Church, where over a dozen cars were situated in such a way as to allow the rear ends of both car and driver to be admired in sublime luminescence. It didn't hurt attendance that their just happened to be a Culver's conveniently situated right next door for that quick frozen custard fix.

Saturday was left wide open for members to continue their auction quests, or to take in the sights at the weekly Pavilions at Talking Stick drive-in car show in Scottsdale. Either way, members who spent the day working their fitness trackers were in prime shape to give all those steps back at Saturday evening's Dessert in the Desert, warmly hosted by Howard. It's nobody's fault but their own if they go away from Howard's kitchen without their sweet tooth fully sugared. That man knows how to do a dessert spread!

CAR Auction Weekend 2019 L

CAR Auction Weekend 2019 M

CAR Auction Weekend 2019 R

Sunday morning's finale always draws a crowd. Among all things Mopar (and a single GM offering), members mingled over coffee and tasty breakfast burritos at the home of Roger and Roberto, where there is something to be appreciated, and a story to be imagined, in every one of Roger's passion projects. As the sun that Phoenix is so famous for continued to rise into the knockout-blue sky above, we said our goodbyes. Not for long, though. Only for as long as it takes us to see each other at the next event down the road.