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This is the first of multiple steps, the last being the payment of your dues. There are two Membership Types – “Members/Renewals-Online Newsletter Only” OR “Members/Renewals-Online&Hardcopy Newsletter”. Select one when joining or renewing.
Buckeye Events
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CCCC Austin Events
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CCCC Dallas Events
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CCCC Houston Events
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CCCC San Antonio Events
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Central Arizona Events
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Cumberland Events
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Delaware Valley Events
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Detroit Events
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Dogwood Events
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Empire Events
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Sunshine Auto Club of Central Florida Events
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Flamingo Auto Club Gulf Coast Events
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Flamingo Auto Group South Events
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West Florida Flamingo Car Club Events
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Great Lakes of Ohio Events
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Hernando de Soto Midsouth Events
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Indiana Events
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Lake Michigan Events
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Michiana Dunes Events
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New Mexico Rainbow Roadrunner Events
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Nutmeg Events
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Puget Sound - Seattle Events
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SACK Events
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Show Me Events
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Straight Eights Events
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Tidewater Taillights Events
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Tri Valley Events
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Great Northern Events
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Vegas Heat Events
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Yankee Events
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Invitational Events
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Twister Alley Events
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Bluegrass of Kentucky
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Rainbow Classics of Utah
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Please note, to register for a members-only event, you must be logged into the site.

News / Articles

From the Driver's Seat - Feb 2019

Published on 2/1/2019
For most of us living in the northern tiers of the U.S., winter typically means shutting down our car hobby for obvious reasons: Snow, ice and road salt. But for those in warmer parts of the country, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of cooler temps and get that ride on the road. Although the latest arctic cold snap did dip well into the Deep South …

But there’s still so much to do during the winter months. Check out all of the new car shows going on this time of year. In the Midwest, there’s NAIS in Detroit and subsequent Detroit Region Afterglow, the Chicago Auto Show and smaller new car shows across the country in a town near you!

Don’t forget our wonderful, long-standing regionals in warmer climes, like the one recently held in Phoenix where all of the vintage car auctions are going on, hosted by the Central Arizona Region.

And this is a good time of year to attend some local or regional swap meets, hopefully held indoors, but sometimes the weather works out OK and vendors set up shop outside, too.

I start making my “to do” list for the year for each of the cars, ordering parts online or going through vendors selling parts of other marque clubs of which I’m a member.

And so now would also be a good time to consider selling a car or truck, as well, as spring approaches. Feed another club member’s car buying fever by placing an ad on our LCCI website and in the Driveshaft! A new membership benefit; see the box below for more details.

Keep the faith, all; spring is just around the corner. Don’t you just love the first spring day to roll down the windows or drop that ragtop? I do!