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When joining or renewing, at least one region must be selected. If you wish to affiliate only with the international organization, select “z International Only – No Region”.
This is the first of multiple steps, the last being the payment of your dues. There are two Membership Types – “Members/Renewals-Online Newsletter Only” OR “Members/Renewals-Online&Hardcopy Newsletter”. Select one when joining or renewing.
Buckeye Events
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CCCC Austin Events
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CCCC Dallas Events
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CCCC Houston Events
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CCCC San Antonio Events
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Central Arizona Events
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Cumberland Events
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Delaware Valley Events
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Detroit Events
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Dogwood Events
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Empire Events
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Sunshine Auto Club of Central Florida Events
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Flamingo Auto Club Gulf Coast Events
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Flamingo Auto Group South Events
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West Florida Flamingo Car Club Events
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Great Lakes of Ohio Events
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Hernando de Soto Midsouth Events
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Indiana Events
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Lake Michigan Events
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Michiana Dunes Events
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New Mexico Rainbow Roadrunner Events
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Nutmeg Events
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Puget Sound - Seattle Events
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SACK Events
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Show Me Events
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Straight Eights Events
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Tidewater Taillights Events
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Tri Valley Events
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Great Northern Events
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Vegas Heat Events
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Yankee Events
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Invitational Events
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Twister Alley Events
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Bluegrass of Kentucky
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Rainbow Classics of Utah
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Please note, to register for a members-only event, you must be logged into the site.
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 About Us

Lambda Car Club International (LCCI) Bluegrass of Kentucky welcomes you. We welcome new members from all walks of the earth! You do not need to own vintage or rare cars to be a member. We are a social membership organization that happens to love cars.

For information on how to become a member of LCCI, please visit

Lambda Car Club International 

LCCI is the largest collector car club for gay and lesbian people in North America. Membership is at 2,000, and there are 32 active regions throughout the U.S. and Canada. All vehicles of any age or condition are welcome at club events. You don't even need to own a car to belong. You do need to enjoy vehicles and social fellowship with gay people who also enjoy vehicles.

Bluegrass of Kentucky region covers greater Lexington, KY area. The club was founded in 1981 as the Gay Old Car Owners Society, based in New York, New York. Since then, Lambda has kept expanding, and having MORE FUN, thanks to people JUST LIKE YOU! 


Lambda Car Club's national newsletter is called Driveshaft. It is published six times a year and is a winner of Old Cars Weekly's prestigious Golden Quill Award for newsletter excellence and serves as the main informational tie between regions. Many local regions also produce newsletters for their members.


Members also have access to the national online member directory. With over 2,000 members, you can find help, support, and great information on virtually any car-related topic!


An online car roster lists over 5,000 member cars, and it's photo gallery has photos of 1,400 member cars.


The club's major annual meeting is the Grand International Invitational, which is hosted by a different region in a different location. Also, many local regions host a yearly invitational meeting, in addition to monthly "get-togethers."


All you have to have is a passion for automobiles and everything about them! Lambda is THE club to join if you are thinking about getting involved in the old car hobby, but aren't sure what car to get. Or, if you are a gay or lesbian person who has an old car that you just can't imagine living without! What we all share is the love of and fascination for all things automotive ---- and a great sense of fun!